

Application of functional magnetic resonance imaging in human olfaction studies

  • 摘要: 在人类的5种主要感觉中,嗅觉是最广泛、古老、直接和内在的感觉.这些特性使人们对人类嗅觉的研究异常艰难,以致于直到今天人们对嗅觉的功能仍不清楚,而对大脑的功能机制所知更少.与其他基于物理原理的方法一样,磁共振成像技术的广泛应用极大地推动了整个生命科学的发展.脑功能磁共振成像的优势(高分辨率、高对比度、无损性和无放射性等)为人们研究嗅觉高级中枢以及与嗅觉相关行为的脑机制等提供了强有力的技术手段.文章在简单介绍嗅觉知识的基础上,着重讨论了近十年来,脑功能磁共振成像技术在人类嗅觉研究中所取得的成果.


    Abstract: Among the five major senses, olfaction is the most common, ancient, direct and intrinsic.The special characteristics of the olfaction system have made its study so difficult that up to now we are still unclear about the olfactory functions in human beings and the mechanisms in the brain. As in the cases of other technologies based on physical principles, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and related methods have greatly advanced our understanding of the entire field of life science. Functional MRI, a non-invasive and non-radioactive imaging method with high spatial resolution and contrast, provides us with a powerful tool to investigate the brain mechanisms for a variety of olfactory functions and behavior. In this review, we will first give a brief introduction to the olfactory system, then focus on the major findings in human olfaction revealed by the application of functional MRI in the past decade.


