Catastrophic failure in solids
摘要: 固体灾变性破坏现象多年来一直备受关注,由于其复杂性,固体灾变性破坏问题一直是力学中的典型难题之一.文章结合岩石类介质的实验观测,讨论了非均匀脆性介质灾变性破坏现象的复杂性,介绍了发展有关统计理论的初步尝试和所面临的难题,并探讨了预测灾变性破坏的可能方案.Abstract: The complexity of catastrophic failure in heterogeneous brittle media is discussed based on experimental phenomena in rocks. A statistical theory of catastrophic failure is reviewed and the theoretical difficulty is analyzed. In addition, some possible approaches for the prediction of catastrophic failure are considered.