

New solar cells of various shapes

  • 摘要: 保护环境、发展可再生资源是关系到国计民生的重大问题,特别是怎样利用取之不尽、用之不竭的太阳能这一问题,逐渐受到世界各国的重视.太阳能电池作为能有效地将太阳能转化为电能的器件,近年来受到了学术界及产业界的广泛关注.目前国际上广泛应用的平板硅太阳能电池存在造价昂贵、质量重、无形变能力等缺点,因此,怎样从降低成本、提高柔性等方面改进太阳能电池的设计与制备就成为了研究的热点.文章结合近年来国内外期刊杂志上发表的相关研究工作,从电池形态上,分类综述了硬性平板、柔性平板、丝网状、纤维态太阳能电池的结构特点、研究历史及发展现状,提出了目前柔性太阳能电池存在的技术难题和部分解决方案.特别是近年来最新研究报道的纤维态柔性太阳能电池,由于完全突破了平面基底的限制,具有质量轻、可弯折、用途广泛等特点,作为新形态太阳能电池的代表在文中进行了较全面的介绍.


    Abstract: Protection of the environment and the development of renewable resources are major problems related to the national economy and people's livelihood. In particular, more and more attention is being paid to the use of inexhaustible solar energy. Solar cells, devices that could effectively transform solar energy into electrical energy, have attracted much interest in recent years both in academic and industrial circles. The flat silicon solar cells in wide use today are faced with high cost, heavy weight, rigidity and environment problems, and their deformation flexibility is poor. Much research effort has therefore been devoted to improving the fabrication process, including reducing the cost and increasing the flexibility.This article reviews the works published in recent years on the structure characteristics, history, and status of various types of solar cells according to their shapes: rigid flat, flexible flat, mesh-based, and fiber-shaped. Various technical problems and possible solutions are also mentioned. The fiber-shaped solar cells, newly developed in recent years, are described in detail; they are light in weight, bendable, not restricted to flat substrates, and so have wide applications.


