Novel sensor technology for comprehensive underwater acoustic information——vector hydrophones and their applications
摘要: 文章介绍了一种新型水声接收换能器——矢量水听器(矢量传感器),它可以同时共点地测量声场的声压和矢量(水媒质质点振速,振动加速度或声压梯度等),使用矢量水听器比常规声压水听器能获得更全面的声场信息,因此,在水声技术中获得了广泛的应用.文中描述了矢量水听器的结构设计和工作原理及特性,给出了一些重要的应用例子.Abstract: A novel underwater sound receiver, the vector hydrophone, is described. This hydrophone can synchronously and co-locationally measure sound pressure and vectors such as particle velocity, vibration acceleration, and sound pressure gradient, thus acquiring comprehensive acoustic field informaton. Its structural design, principle of operation, and performance characteristics are reviewed, with several examples illustrating its wide and important practical applications.