

Short-term distributed storage of solar and wind energy

  • 摘要: 运用太阳能和风能是解决能源问题的根本和长期的途径.但是,传统的能源可以根据需要调节供应,而太阳能和风能是间歇性的而且不能随需要来控制.要有效地运用太阳能和风能,能量储存是必须的.大规模长期储存能量是非常昂贵的.解决这个问题的一种方案是太阳能和风能的短期分散储存.所谓短期,是指十几小时至几天,相当于太阳能和风能的变化周期.所谓分散,是指以单个建筑为单位,并且以多种不同的方式储存能量.从产业发展的角度看,太阳能和风能的短期分散储存的设备会形成一个新的大规模的工业部门.


    Abstract: Utilization of solar energy and wind energy is the ultimate solution to the energy problem. As traditional energy resources (including fossil-fuel, nuclear and hydropower) could be supplied on demand, solar energy and wind energy are intermittent and do not subject to human control. Energy storage is a necessary condition for an effective utilization of solar and wind energy. Long-term large-scale energy storage is very expensive. A practical solution is short-term distributed storage of solar and wind energy. Here, short-term means some ten hours to several days; distributed means at each building or each unit, such as a farm, and to use various types of storage methods. Equipment for short-term distributed storage of solar and wind energy may become a new industry of huge scale.


