

Dark matter theories

  • 摘要: 文章简要综述了以下内容:(1)暗物质存在的证据,以及它为什么很可能与目前粒子物理研究紧密相关;(2)暗物质的性质,并以超对称模型和额外维模型为例,讨论了包含暗物质粒子的模型;(3)最近Pamela/Atic/Fermi实验观测对于暗物质性质的新认识;(4)讨论和展望.


    Abstract: Recent progress in the theories of dark matter is briefly reviewed, including the following topics. (1) Observational phenomena based on which dark matter (DM) is conjectured, and the reasons why DM is probably related to particle physics. (2) Dark matter properties and the models which contain DM, among which the popular supersymmetric and extra-dimensional models are taken as examples. (3) New features inferred from recent observations by Pamela, Atic and Fermi. (4) Discussions and perspectives.


