

Nonperturbative phenomena of atoms and molecules irradiated by ultra-strong femtosecond laser pulses

  • 摘要: 文章简要回顾了飞秒强激光场中的原子、分子这一研究领域在近年来所取得的一系列里程碑式的重大发现, 包括多光子电离、阈上电离、隧穿电离、越垒电离、非顺序双电离、电离稳定化、高次谐波发射等等非微扰现象. 讨论了纯量子理论和纯经典方法在处理该类问题时经常遇到的困难. 介绍了作者所在小组为此提出的半经典模型及其在解释强场物理现象时所取得的成果. 最后对这一领域在未来几年内的可能发展方向作了简单的评述.


    Abstract: We briefly review some remarkable breakthroughs in the field of intense-laser-irradiated atoms (or molecules)during the recent decades, including the multi-photon ionization, above threshold ionization, tunneling ionization, over-the-barrier ionization, nonsequential double ionization, ionization stabilization, and high-order harmonic generation.Motivated by the difficulties of pure quantum theories and classical methods in accounting for the strong-field phenom-ena, we proposed a semi-classical model, with which we have successfully reproduced and explained many experimental observations. We also give a perspective on possible directions in this field.


