

The technology and physics for monitoring of the comprehensive test ban treaty

  • 摘要: 国际核试验监测系统包括地震探测系统、水声探测系统、次声探测系统、放射性核素探测系统、国际数据中心、现场核查系统等组成部分,是一个国际性的“大科学”工程。文章概要介绍了核试验监测中的主要技术问题和物理问题,国际核试验监测系统的现状和发展趋势,以及国际监测系统在科学研究和可持续发展中的可能的应用领域。


    Abstract: The International Monitoring System (IMS) for the compliance of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty is composed of seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound and radionuclide detection, an international data center, and on-site inspection. It is an international 'big science' operation and relies heavily on physics and physics-based technology. A brief introduction is presented of the main techniques and physical problems related to IMS, its recent developments, and its potential for application to science and sustainability.


