
第三讲 非线性原子光学

Atom optics ——Nonlinear atom optics

  • 摘要: 随着玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)的实现及其非线性效应研究的快速发展,原子光学的一门新兴分支学科——“非线性原子光学”已初步形成,并取得了一系列重大的实验进展.文章重点介绍了非线性原子光学的研究内容、实验结果及其最新进展,主要包括原子孤子、原子物质波中的四波混频、光速减慢与负群速现象、超流及涡流(vortex)、Josephson效应和物质波的相位相干放大等.


    Abstract: With the experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) and the fast development of the studies on nonlinear effects in BEC atomic matter waves, a new branch of atom optics,“nonlinear atom optics”,had been formed, and has been obtained a series of significant experimental progresses. In this lecture, the study content of nonlinear atom optics and their experimental results and recent progress are introduced in some detail, which includes atomic solitons, four-wave mixing, slow light group-velocity and superluminal light, superfluid and vortex, Josephson effect and phase-coherent amplification of atomic matter waves, and so on.


