

Recent progress of THz spectroscopy in the detection of explosives

  • 摘要: 2005年国家自然科学基金的各项评审工作已经基本结束,我们在此向所有关心和支持物理科学一处工作的广大科研工作者表示衷心的感谢!年底将至,我们将就科学处全年的评审工作情况向大家做一个汇报,对在评审中发现的一些问题提出一些建议,希望能对下一年度的项目申请有所帮助.


    Abstract: The newly developed technique of THz spectroscopy has made much progress in aviation, life science and safety inspection. Many explosives have characteristic absorptions in the THz region, and non-metallic and non-polar materials are transparent to THz waves. In addition, THz radiation has low photon energies and does not cause photon ionization so it has great potential in safety inspection. This paper reviews the status quo of THz spectroscopy of explosives, including our investigations. The hurdles and challenges of THz technology in safety inspection are discussed.


