
第一讲 几何与波动原子光学及其器件

Atom optics(Ⅰ) :geometric and wave atom optics and their devices

  • 摘要: 文章首先简单介绍了冷原子操纵与控制的基本原理.然后,重点介绍了几何与波动原子光学及其器件的研究内容、潜在应用和最新进展,其中包括:原子束的反射和原子反射镜;原子束偏转(折射)、聚焦成像和原子透镜;原子衍射和原子光栅;原子干涉和原子干涉仪;原子全息学及其技术等.


    Abstract: Atom optics has seen fast development and vast achievements, and has wide application prospects. The basic principles of the manipulation and control of cold atoms using magnetic and laser fields are briefly introduced, followed by a detailed review of recent progress of geometric and wave atom optics as well as potential applications and the development of atom optics devices Topics include the reflection of atom beams and mirrors, the deflection (refraction) and focusing of atom beams and lenses, the diffraction of atom matter waves and gratings, atom interferometers, and atomic holography.


