

Measurement of 41Ca with accelerator mass spectrometry and its applications

  • 摘要: Ca在自然界中含量丰富,其长寿命放射性同位素41Ca不仅是理想的生物医学示踪剂,同时在地质年代的测定、环境科学和核天体物理的实验研究等方面都有着非常重要的作用.加速器质谱法目前是测量41Ca的理想方法.文章介绍了用加速器质谱测量41Ca的方法,介绍了目前的国际研究现状和潜在的应用研究领域以及中国原子能科学研究院在加速器质谱测量41Ca方面的研究情况.


    Abstract: Ca is widely abundant in nature and its rodioisotope 41Ca is a cosmogenic nuclide with a half-life of 10E5 years. However, the 41Ca/40Ca ratio in natural samples is very low and can only be measured by accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS). The application of 41Ca is very important not only in the life science but also in geological dating, global environment change studies and astrophysics. The measurement of 41Ca with AMS and its applications are reviewed, with particular mention of the research in the China Institute of Atomic Energy.


