

A stable phase state of liquid crystals: the blue phase

  • 摘要: 文章描述了胆甾相液晶中蓝相的研究现况.蓝相(BP)是液晶中具有特殊性质的一个相态,它的序参量表现出三维空间周期性.蓝相是出现在一个狭小的温度间隔里(量级为0.1—1K)的稳定相态.文章对已观察到的BPⅠ,BPⅡ ,BPⅢ(“雾”相)的性质做了简要的叙述.对研究液晶蓝相的主要理论——Ginzburg-Landau理论(唯象理论)作了介绍,并指出了蓝相研究的实际物理意义.


    Abstract: An overview is given of the present status of research on the blue phase of cholesteric liquid crystals. This blue phase has unusual properties with an order parameter exhibiting three-dimensional spatial periodicity, and is a stable phase state which appears in a narrow temperature interval (of the order of 0.1—1K). We describe briefly the properties of the BPⅠ, BPⅡ and BPⅢ phases ("fog state") which have been observed by many researchers. We introduce the main (phenomenological) theory of the blue phase—— the Ginzburg-Landau theory , and point out its practical physical significance.


