

The new superconductor MgB2 and its applications

  • 摘要: 文章简要介绍了新型超导体二硼化镁的发现、研究进展和应用前景.理论和实验都已经证明,二硼化镁的超导电性来源于电声子耦合,可以用具有S-波对称性波函数的 BCS图像来描述.然而在二硼化镁超导体中,人们发现有两个超导能隙,一个在6 meV, 另外一个在 2 meV 左右, 它们同时在超导转变温度处打开,这给超导机理研究带来了一些新的内容.在混合态物理方面,人们发现超导与正常态的边界线(上临界磁场Hc2)与磁通融化线(不可逆线Hirr)之间有很大的间隙,即使在绝对零度时也是如此,作者提出这可能是由于双能隙的结果或磁通物质的量子融化.在应用方面,最有可能把它做成超导磁体,利用闭路循环制冷机制冷在20 K左右使用,这样极有可能取代现在医学上使用的核磁共振成像的液氦温度超导磁体.


    Abstract: We report the discovery, development and prospective applications of the new superconductor MgB2. Both from theoretical and experimental studies, it has been found that the superconductivity in MgB2 is induced by electron phonon coupling and can be described by the BCS theory with S-wave pairing symmetry. However, two energy gaps have been observed to appear at the same temperature in MgB2, which Sheds new light to the study of superconductivity and calls for more work. On the application side, the most obvious application is to make superconducting magnets using MgB2 wires ( tapes ). This magnet can work at 20K with a closed-circle refrigerator and produce a magnetic field of 4T.


