Several renowned Chinese physicists and the great western teachers of physics
摘要: 回顾了吴有训、严济慈、赵忠尧、王淦昌、钱学森、钱三强、彭桓武和黄昆等几位中国早期物理学家在海外求学时的宝贵经历以及取得的辉煌成就,展示了他们的才华、勤奋与气节,对祖国的挚爱以及同国际一流物理大师们的友谊.Abstract: A review of the valuable experiences and brilliant achievements of several early Chinese physicists, Wu You-xun,Yan Ji-ci, Zhao Zhong-yao, Wang Gan-Cang, Qian Xue-sen, Qian San-qiang, Peng Huan-wu and Huang Kun, who sought knowledge overseas, reveal their talent, diligence, integrity, patriotism and their close feelings towards the great international teachers of physics.