

Testing relativity and exploring new physics from LHAASO observations

  • 摘要: 中国高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO)探测到了迄今最高能量的宇宙光子,其能量超过拍电子伏特量级,开启了超高能伽马天文学的新时代。LHAASO合作组完整记录了伽马暴GRB 221009A的全程爆发过程,首次测得来自伽马暴超出10 TeV的高能光子。这些发现不仅对人们理解宇宙线起源具有重要意义,也为检验相对论并发现新物理提供了很好的契机。文章简要介绍LHAASO的这些观测结果,并指出这些结果可在检验爱因斯坦狭义相对论中洛伦兹不变性、恒定光速的基本假设,以及探索新物理机制的研究中发挥重要作用。


    Abstract: The observation of the highest-energy cosmic photons by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) has opened a new era of ultra-high energy gamma-ray astronomy. The whole process of gamma-ray burst GRB 221009A was observed, including the first detection of photons with energies around or above 10 TeV. I briefly review these discoveries and show that they not only play an important role in understanding the origin of cosmic rays, but also can be used for testing the basic assumptions of Lorentz invariance and constant light speed in relativity, and for exploring new physics beyond the standard model.


