

Astrophysical origins of ultra-high energy gamma-ray emissions

  • 摘要: 中国大科学装置之一的高海拔宇宙线观测站开创了超高能伽马射线天文学的新时代,至今已作出多项重要的科学发现,为人们破解银河系宇宙线起源之谜带来了关键线索,并为研究极端天体中的极端物理过程提供了独特的探针。文章主要介绍其探测到的超高能伽马射线源,以及相关天体的物理图像。


    Abstract: The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), one of the key national scientific facilities of China, has ushered in the new era of ultra-high energy gamma-ray astronomy. As of now, it has discovered many important phenomena, providing us with critical clues to unravel the puzzle of the origin of Galactic cosmic rays and a unique tool to probe extreme physical processes in extreme astrophysical objects. This paper will describe the ultra-high energy gamma-ray sources detected by LHAASO, as well as the physical pictures of relevant astrophysical objects.


