

Superconducting quantum cloud computing

  • 摘要: 量子计算云平台将量子计算机以分时服务的形式通过互联网向用户开放,降低了量子计算资源的获取门槛,提高了量子计算资源的利用率,是连接量子计算科研机构和外界用户之间的纽带,对量子计算机的普及以及应用生态的培养起到了重要的推动作用,是未来量子计算机走向应用的一种重要且有效的运行形式。文章从超导量子计算云平台的概念、运行原理、组成部分、发展历史和现状、未来的发展趋势和困难等角度进行简要介绍,便于大家对这一新生事物有更多的了解。


    Abstract: Quantum cloud computing allows users around the globe to gain access to quantum computing hardware at little cost by providing time-sharing services via the internet, which greatly enhances the utilization of prohibitively expensive quantum hardware resources. This technology brings together the quantum research community and all outsiders who are enthusiastic about quantum computing. Hence, quantum cloud computing has become the driving force for promoting the popularization of quantum computers and cultivating quantum ecosystems. The advance of quantum cloud technology will enable users to implement quantum computing for real-world applications in an effective way. In this article, we focus on the concept of quantum cloud computing based on superconducting architectures. The working principles and hardware of this technology, both past and present, will be briefly discussed. A roadmap for its development, including scientific and technical challenges, will be delivered as the last part of our discussion. It is our hope that the content presented here can help readers grasp the general idea of quantum cloud computing this unprecedented but exciting and rapidly evolving field.


