

Thermal cloak:small concept,big applications

  • 摘要: 热隐身这个概念的提出,无论从应用角度,还是从学术层面,皆有其异乎寻常的重要性。文章简介了热隐身的来龙去脉,在介绍概念的同时,重点阐述其在地下掩体中红外热防护方面的特殊应用价值——其在领域内已经发展十五年,广为人知,而在领域外尚显陌生。至于热隐身的特殊学术价值,也在文末一并介绍,并着重介绍基于其进行的概念延拓,即从“热隐身”这个小概念,推广到“热超构材料”这个大概念,再进一步推广到“扩散超构材料”这个更大的概念。此外,文章对热隐身的制备方法和原理亦有述及。


    Abstract: The concept of thermal cloak is of exceptional importance, both practically and scholastically. This article provides an overview of the emergence of thermal cloak, while highlighting its unique value in infrared thermal protection for underground shelters. After fifteen years of development and recognition, it is as yet relatively unfamiliar to those outside the field. The special academic value of thermal cloak is also discussed at the end of the article, focusing on its conceptual extension from the lesser concept of “thermal cloak”to the broader concept of “thermal metamaterials”and further expanding to the larger concept of “diffusion metamaterials.” Additionally, this article also discusses the principle and methods of fabricating thermal cloaks.


