

Derivations of black-body radiation formula and their implication to the formulation of modern physics

  • 摘要: 黑体辐射是近代物理史上一只会下金蛋的鹅,是近代物理的摇篮。黑体辐射研究的意义还在于这是唯一一个涉及ckh三个普适常数的物理情景。黑体辐射谱抗测量误差的特性带来了辐射标准和绝对温度参照,谱分布公式对模型的不敏感则使得黑体辐射成为独特的物理研究母题。黑体辐射谱分布公式,普朗克多角度推导过,德拜推导过,艾伦菲斯特推导过,劳厄推导过,洛伦兹和庞加莱深入讨论过,泡利推导过,玻色推导过,爱因斯坦在20多年的时间里多角度推导过且产出最为丰硕,近代还有从相对论角度的推导,每一个角度的推导都带来了物理学的新内容,这包括量子力学、固体量子论、受激辐射、量子统计、相对论统计,等等。认真回顾黑体辐射研究的历史细节,考察其中的思想概念演化,不啻于体验一次教科书式的学(做)物理之旅,比如也可以尝试给出能量局域分立化的简单新证明。


    Abstract: Black-body radiation, or Hohlraumstrahlung or Wärmestrahlung, is a duck that laid gold eggs in modern physics. In a sense it is the cradle for modern physics. The significance of black-body radiation lies in the fact that it is the only physical situation involving all the three universal constants, i.e., c, k and h. Being immune to experimental errors, it provides a norm for the radiators, and serves the standard for absolute temperature. The derivation of the spectral distribution formula sets an exemplar model for physics research. The correct spectral distribution formula has been derived by Planck, Debye, Ehrenfest, Pauli, Bose and Einstein based on various distinct assumptions in the early period of last century, and even derivations from the theory of relativity have been obtained in recent years, which lead to a lot of modern physics establishments such as quantum mechanics, the quantum theory of solids, stimulated emission of radiation, quantum statistics, relativistic statistics, etc. A detailed review of the study of black-body radiation problem brings us to a voyage through the legendary history of modern physics helping us get the feel of doing physics, for instance, the author was inspired to find a new simple proof for the necessity of radiation energy localization.


