

Intense sub-cycle optical pulses

  • 摘要: 强场亚周期光脉冲的产生是未来激光光源发展所追求的先进内容之一,其不仅标志了超快激光技术的前进方向,并且将开启新型强场光与物质相互作用研究的大门。作为当前强场物理研究的一个重要课题——阿秒脉冲技术,强场亚周期光脉冲的出现将带给它新的发展机遇。强场亚周期光脉冲不仅可以直接产生极紫外波段孤立阿秒脉冲,而且其光电场的可裁剪性能够用来优化阿秒脉冲的产生。然而,亚周期光脉冲对应的超宽带光谱,使强场亚周期光脉冲的产生面临很大的挑战性。将多个中心波长不同的少周期超短脉冲进行合并的光场相干合成技术是实现强场亚周期光脉冲的有效技术。文章将介绍亚周期光脉冲的研究进展,着重描述基于光场相干合成技术的强场亚周期光脉冲产生方法。


    Abstract: Intense sub-cycle optical pulse generation is one of the most sought-after advanced features of future laser developments, since not only does it symbol a breakthrough in ultrafast laser technology but it also opens up a gateway to a new regime of strong-field lightmatter interaction. As an important subject of strong-field physics studies nowadays, attosecond pulse technology will enjoy new opportunities brought by the emergence of intense sub-cycle optical pulses. Beyond directly generating extreme ultraviolet (XUV) isolated attosecond pulses, the tailored waveform of intense sub-cycle optical pulses can be employed for optimizing attosecond pulse generation. However, the more than one octave spanning spectrum of sub-cycle optical pulses makes the generation of such pulses extremely challenging. Coherent combination, or synthesis, of several few-cycle pulses of different colors is a promising technology for obtaining intense sub-cycle optical pulses. This article reviews the progress of studies on intense sub-cycle optical pulses, emphasizing the generation techniques based on optical waveform synthesis.


