Astronomical observations over the past hundred years show that there is a large amount of invisible“dark matter”in the universe, but we know little about its essence. The universe is also full of neutrinos,“ghost particles”much like dark matter, and they also contain many unsolved mysteries. Breakthroughs in the study of dark matter and neutrinos are likely to bring the next revolution in physics. The China Jinping Underground Laboratory, the deepest lab in the world, is located in Liangshan prefecture, Sichuan province, and provides a unique place for such experimental research. In the past twenty years, the development of liquid xenon detection technology has made it one of the core means to detect dark matter and study the properties of neutrinos. This paper introduces the unsolved mystery of dark matter and neutrinos, and describes the development of liquid xenon detection technology, related experiments at home and abroad, the current status and the future of“PandaX”, a liquid xenon observatory in China.