Metasurface-based quantum optics
摘要: 近年来,利用超构表面对光场的调控研究取得了令人瞩目的进展,不仅在经典光的调控方面取得了优异的成果,在量子光学方面的研究和应用也开始崭露头角,引起人们越来越多的研究兴趣。文章简要讨论了基于超构表面的量子光学的研究进展,包括量子光源的制备、量子态的调控以及量子态的探测和成像等方面。Abstract: In recent years the modulation of light fields by metasurfaces has seen great progress, with novel applications not only in classical optics but also in quantum optics. Exciting achievements have been reported with metasurfaces, which we shall review in this paper, including promising applications in the construction of quantum optical sources, the manipulation and detection of quantum states, and quantum imaging.