Observations of the new hyperon and charmed baryon at Belle
摘要: 过去一年里,运行在日本高能加速器研究机构的Belle实验在重子研究,尤其是在超子和粲重子研究上取得了一系列重要实验进展,包括发现了两个超子Ξ(1620)和Ω(2012)、一个粲重子Ξc(2930)等新的重子,并首次测量了粲重子Ξc衰变的绝对分支比等,为完善重子谱和深入理解强相互作用性质提供了关键的实验数据。Abstract: Belle experiment reported a series of progresses on the hyperons and charmed baryons last year, which include the observation of hyperons Ξ(1620) and Ω(2012), the observation of charmed baryon Ξc(2930) , and the first measurement of Ξc absolute branching fractions.