

Tidal disruption events and their echoes

  • 摘要: 超大质量黑洞普遍存在于星系中心,当星系中一颗恒星运动足够靠近黑洞时,会被黑洞的潮汐力撕裂瓦解,产生一个主要能量在软X 射线到紫外的耀发事件,称为恒星潮汐撕裂事件(TDE)。作为黑洞特殊的爆发性吸积事件,TDE正成为蓬勃发展的时域天文的主要研究目标之一。虽然TDE很罕见,但它蕴含的巨大科学价值逐渐引起了人们的兴趣和关注,有助于理解黑洞吸积相关的物理。除此之外,TDE照射在黑洞周围星际介质上还会产生气体和尘埃的回响信号,不仅为探测星系核区的星际介质环境提供了有效手段,还揭示了一种全新的探测TDE的途径,尤其是被尘埃遮蔽的源。作者基于此做出了一系列开创性的前沿研究。


    Abstract: Supermassive black holes are widely believed to be present in the center of massive galaxies. When a star passes too close to the black hole, it will be tidally disrupted and partially accreted, producing a flash of radiation over an energy range from soft X-ray to UV,which is called a tidal disruption event (TDE). As a special form of accretion, a TDE is one of the key topics of the explosively growing field of time-domain astronomy. Although TDEs are rare, they have aroused great interest because they can serve as a unique laboratory to study various physics problems associated with black holes. Moreover, the gas and dust echoes of TDEs not only provide us with a novel method to probe the interstellar medium in the vicinity of black holes, but also signify a new approach to detect new TDEs, particularly those obscured by dust. We report our series of advances in this field.


