

A new type of passive magnetic shielding for superconducting quantum interferometers

  • 摘要: 高效磁屏蔽对于超高精度超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)等超高灵敏器件可靠稳定工作至关重要。实践中一般采用多层的高磁导率笨重复合磁屏蔽,或者用小型的轻量屏蔽桶配合差分式平面梯度计完成超高灵敏信号测量。文章作者提出并实现了一种新型的高性能磁屏蔽装置,采用实时的动态磁补偿与高温超导线圈相结合就可以实现。对该装置磁屏蔽效果进行了数值仿真计算,并实际测量了该屏蔽装置的轴向和横向磁场,装置屏蔽因数最高可达80 dB;实验测量发现,新型装置可以同时有效地屏蔽轴向与纵向磁场干扰。


    Abstract: High-efficiency magnetic shielding is very important for the reliability and stability of ultrahigh precision superconducting quantum interferometers. In practice, high permeability bulky multilayered magnetic shielding, or small lightweight shield buckets with differential plane gradient meters are generally used to realize ultrahigh sensitivity signal measurements. In this paper, a new type of high performance magnetic shielding device is proposed, which is realized by combining real-time dynamic magnetic compensation with high-temperature superconducting coils. The effect of the hybrid magnetic shield has been evaluated using numerical simulation and experimental measurements of the axial and transverse magnetic fields; the shielding factor was found to be as high as 80 dB. This new type of active magnetic shield with a high-temperature superconducting ring improves not only the axial but also the transverse shielding effect.


