

Thorium molten salt reactor nuclear energy system

  • 摘要: 裂变核能是保障能源增长需求和促进节能减排的重要手段。钍基核能具有中子增殖性能好、产生高放废料少和储量丰富等特点;熔盐堆作为第四代先进反应堆的6个候选堆之一,具有钍高效利用、高温制氢、无水冷却、适合小型模块化设计等优势和潜力。发展钍基熔盐堆,对中国的核能战略发展具有重要意义,将会有助于解决中国的能源和环境双重挑战。2011 年1 月,中国科学院启动战略性先导科技专项——钍基熔盐堆核能系统(TMSR),采取液态熔盐堆和固态熔盐堆两种堆型研发同时部署和相继发展的技术路线,致力于实现基于熔盐堆的钍资源高效利用和核能综合利用,为我国核能发展赢得先机。


    Abstract: Nuclear fission energy has incomparable advantages in satisfying our ever growing need for energy and environmental protection. The importance of thorium-based nuclear fuel has become increasingly prominent because of its excellent breeding capability in both thermal and fast reactors, lesser long-lived minor actinides resulting from fission, and abundant reserves of thorium.One of the six IVth-generation reactor candidates, the molten salt reactor (MSR), has characteristics including high thorium energy conversion, hydrogen production at high temperature, water-free cooling, and small modular design. These properties make MSRs one of the best approaches to solve the energy and environment issues of China. 
    In January 2011 the Chinese Academy of Sciences launched the“Thorium molten salt reactor nuclear energy system”project of the Strategic Priority Program, which will develop both liquid and solid fuel MSR. It will aim to realize effective thorium energy utilization and comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy in twenty to thirty years. Research has already commenced and achieved some results in key technologies. Although there are still several challenges for Th-U fuel cycle and MSR development, it can be expected that the project will help solve the energy problem as well as maintain sustainable development in China for many years to come.


