

Recent progress of atomic force microscopy

  • 摘要: 原子力显微术是微纳米尺度实空间形貌成像与结构表征的关键技术之一。近些年,原子力显微术衍生发展出了一系列令人瞩目的功能化探测模式和新技术。文章从以下两个方面论述了原子力显微术的前沿进展:(1)原子力显微术的功能化探测模式及其在微纳米尺度物性研究与测量以及微纳加工等领域的应用;(2)原子力显微术自身在更高精度、更高分辨率、更快速度、更多功能等方面的进展及在基础和应用研究领域中的应用。文章还展望了原子力显微术的下一步发展方向和正在不断扩展的研究领域。


    Abstract: Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is one of the key techniques for real-space imaging and structure characterization at the micro- and nanometer scale, and many remarkable new functions and techniques have been developed in recent years. Two special areas will be presented here: the various detection modes of AFM and their applications in the nanoscale research and measurement of physical properties, and the development of AFM techniques and their applications in basic and applied science. A brief comment will also be given on the further development of AFM probe techniques and their expanding application areas.


