

Discovery of the Maxwell equations and their significance

  • 摘要: 麦克斯韦提出了描述经典电磁场运动及其与带电粒子相互作用规律的完备方程组,将电学、磁学和光学统一为电磁场动力学理论。这一理论具有洛仑兹协变性和U(1)局域规范不变性,成为构造粒子物理标准模型的经典模板,在物理理论和实验发展中起着不可估量的巨大作用。


    Abstract: The complete set of equations proposed by Jams Clerk Maxwell to describe the classical electromagnetic fields and their interaction with charged particles had combined electrics, magnetics and optics into a single unified theory of the electromagnetic fields. This theory possesses both Lorentz covariance and U(1) local gauge invariance, and has become a classical prototype for constructing the standard model of particle physics. Its role in the development of physical theories and experiments has been beyong measure.


