

Introduction to the 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state:even denominator and topological quantum computation

  • 摘要: 已发现的绝大部分分数量子霍尔态以奇数为分母,5/2态是一个例外。在5/2态可能的波函数中,有一些携带非阿贝尔统计,可以用于拓扑量子计算。文章将简单介绍分数量子霍尔效应、5/2态、非阿贝尔统计以及相关最新的科研进展。


    Abstract: The 5/2 state is distinct from most of the observed fractional quantum Hall states by being an even denominator state. Some of the proposed wave functions in this state possess non-Abelian statistics, which has potential applications in topological quantum computation.This article briefly introduces the basic concepts of the fractional quantum Hall effect, 5/2 state,non-Abelian statistics, and recent progress in this field.


