Alexei Starobinsky and inflationary cosmology
摘要: 俄罗斯国家科学院院士阿里可塞·斯塔罗宾斯基(Alexei Starobinsky)教授是现代宇宙学暴胀模型的最早提出者之一,文中回顾了他在暴胀模型形成初期的具体贡献,并表达了他对暴胀模型和宇宙学未来发展的最新看法。Abstract: Alexei Starobinsky, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is one of the earliest proponents of the inflation model in modern cosmology. This paper reviews his specific contribution in the early establishment the inflation model, and presents his latest ideas on the future development of inflation models and cosmology.