

A “ diamond key ” opens the door to single-molecule magnetic resonance studies

  • 摘要: 近半个世纪以来,快速涌现和发展的单分子技术使人们对微观世界的认知甚至调控能力得到前所未有的深化和提高。磁共振技术在获取物质的组成和结构信息方面,拥有准确、快速和无破坏性的独特优势,已广泛应用于物理、化学、材料和生物医学等领域。当前通用的磁共振技术通常仅能得到数十亿个分子的统计平均信息,将其灵敏度推进到单分子水平一直是磁共振领域最重要的课题之一,但实现这一目标面临诸多挑战。最新的研究进展表明,基于金刚石的新型磁共振技术能将研究对象推进到单分子,成像分辨率从原来的毫米级提升至纳米级。文章介绍了单分子磁共振研究的发展脉络和最新进展,并展望了今后的发展方向。


    Abstract: The past half century has seen the emergence and rapid advance of single-molecule technology, which have deepened our understanding of the microworld and unprecedentedly improved our ability to control microsystems. Magnetic resonance (MR), a noninvasive technology extracting conformational and structural information from a sample, has been widely applied in physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and medicine. Conventional MR relies on accumulation and averaging of the signal from an ensemble of samples containing at least billions of molecules. Pushing the sensitivity to a single molecule is one of the most important subjects in MR research, although it faces numerous challenges. Most recent results show that nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond could perform as a new type of sensor that would allow the detection of single molecules and improve the MR imaging resolution from millimeters to nanometers. We review the recent progress of this field and speculate on its future.


