
对玻恩的回忆录——My Life(《我的一生》)的述评

Comments on Max Born's autobiography(My Life)

  • 摘要: My Life (《我的一生》)是马克斯·玻恩的回忆录,是人们借以了解玻恩的最好基础文献。回忆录的撰写动机、撰写与出版时间、主要内容的问世过程以及该书的特点等问题,在文章中都得到了明确与阐述。玻恩的回忆录给我们提供了更具体了解20世纪重要历史事件的一个难得的特殊角度。


    Abstract: My Life was Max Born's autobiography, and became the best basic literature to understand and research him. This paper gives a clear description of Born's motive for writing the book, discusses the time when it was published, the process by which the manuscript was given to academia before the publication, and also gives the answers to some other questions, such as the characteristic of the book. Max Born's autobiography is a special good angle to deeply master the important historical events of the 20th century.


