

Key developments of nanophotonics over the next decade

  • 摘要: 纳米光子学已经对人们的日常生活产生了重要影响,并且纳米光子学器件产品有强大的市场需求,因此其研究结果可以很快转化为商品。文章介绍了在未来5到10年内对光子工业有重大影响并且有望进入商品市场的11个纳米光子学领域,其中包括:纳米尺度量子光子学、全光路由、用于增强磁存储的表面等离子体光子学、用于诊断治疗和药物输送纳米光子学、纳米成像、分子尺度上的化学与生物传感器、纳米标签、纳米尺度上操控光场的分布(光伏器件和LED/OLED)、原型试制的新技术、量身定制光学特性的纳米光子材料以及太赫兹技术等,希望文章能对中国的纳米光子学研究及其工业化应用有一定帮助。


    Abstract: Nano photonics is already playing an important role in our daily lives,and its market products are in great demand. In this article we highlight eleven areas which are exputed to have important impart on the photonics industry and cammerial applications within the nest five to ten years. These include:nanoscale quantum optics,all-optical routing,plasmonics for enhanced magnetic storage,optical diagnosis therapy and drug delivery,nanoscale imaging,chemical and biological sensing at the molecular scale,nanotagging ,manipulation of light distribution at the nanoscale (solar cell and light emitting diodes),new processing techniques for prototyping,nanophotonic materials with tailored optical properties,and terahertz devices.


