

Video recording of classroom evacuation during the April 20,2013,Lushan,Sichuan,China,earthquake: preliminary analysis and implication for the statistical physical models of escape panic

  • 摘要: 真实灾害情境下的人群撤离录像对约束应急避险的统计物理模型具有不可取代的意义。文章分析了中央电视台《新闻联播》播出的2013年4月20日芦山地震时一段教室疏散的视频,讨论了其对应急避险模型的意义。与2008年汶川地震的情况比较,似可看出受过应急训练的人群与未受过训练的人群在撤离时有不同的表现。


    Abstract: In constraining the statistical physical models of escape panic,video recording of real-life emergency evacuation plays a unique role due to its rareness and real-life feature. We analyzed the video recording of classroom evacuation during the April 20,2013,Lushan, Sichuan,China,MS7.0 earthquake broadcasted by CCTV News,and discussed the implication for constraining the statistical physical models of crowd evacuation. Comparing to the records of the May 12,2008,Wenchuan,MS8.0 earthquake,we argue that trained and untrained crowd may have different behavior during the panic evacuation,which has to be taken into account in the modeling.


